Tek undir meš Henry

Ķ nęstu viku verša 10 įr sķšan Arsene Wenger tók viš žjįlfun enska knattspyrnulišsins Arsenal. Mér er til efs aš nokkur mašur ķ heiminum hafi breytt leikstķl knattspyrnulišs jafn mikiš og hann; tók viš arfleifš George Graham, "boring, boring" lišinu sem hann setti saman en tveir stżršu žvķ reyndar ķ millitķšinni og bįšir stutt, Stewart Houston og Bruce Rioch.

Ég held ekki meš Arsenal eins og įšur hefur komiš fram hér į žessari sķšu - Liverpool er mitt liš, og hefur veriš sķšan 1973! - en ekki er annaš hęgt en dįst aš Arsenal um žessar mundir. Liš Wengers leika skemmtilega knattspyrnu, um žaš er a.m.k. varla hęgt aš deila.

Ég get ekki annaš en birt kafla śr spjalli viš Thierry Henry, fyrirliša Arsenal, sem er aš finna į żmsum enskum vefsķšum nś ķ kvöld. Og tek undir hvert orš sem framherjinn frįbęri segir um landa sinn.

"Thierry Henry claims beautiful football is the main legacy of Arsene Wenger's decade at the club.

Henry admits Wenger, who celebrates his 10th anniversary next week, has brought numerous qualities to the English game.

But he believes the transformation of 'boring, boring Arsenal' into a team who now command worldwide respect for their dashing style must be the French manager's greatest achievement.

Henry, 29, said: 'The way he sees the game and the way he wants his players to play. He is unique.

'It's like when you used to see Ajax, they had this tradition of passing the ball and that's what Arsene has brought here.

'We did win some ugly games like the FA Cup final against Manchester United - if that was a boxing match they would have stopped the game.

'But I still think that now we have an identity and people now recognise Arsenal by the way we play.

'Everybody has their own way. I don't know if `boring, boring Arsenal' was fair. They won some stuff too, even playing like that.

'But now we are winning stuff, playing like this. Arsene has changed the view people have of the club.

'When I walk in London or even abroad, people come up and say: `I'm not an Arsenal fan but I love to see you play'.

'That's because of Arsene and what's amazing with him, is that even when we didn't start the season well, he just said we have to stick to our game.'

Wenger, 56, is the most successful manager in Arsenal's history, winning seven major trophies with the club, including three league titles.

He took the club to the Champions League final last season but his greatest achievement on the pitch was to complete an entire league season unbeaten in 2003/04.

Henry said: 'He said we were going to go a season unbeaten but he said it a year too soon. Everybody laughed. I remember that so well.

'When we lost that first game everyone said: `Oh yeah?' but the year after we did it.

'He always says this kind of stuff and sometimes he's the only one who thinks like that and says it.

'Besides being a great person tactically and seeing good players he is a great human being.'

The Arsenal captain detects no signs that his manager is ready to retire from the game.

Henry said: 'I don't know if he can live without football. Thankfully for us that's just him. This is his life. When you go through all your active life, every morning training, every Saturday and Wednesday a game, you don't want to stop.'

Wenger gave Henry his first start in senior football when he was a teenager coming through the ranks at Monaco.

Then, in 1999, the Arsenal boss paid £11million to rescue him from Juventus where he was struggling to make an impact.

Wenger converted Henry from a winger into a striker and he went on to score more goals for the club than anyone else.

Henry feels personal gratitude for Wenger's influence on his own career and now, as Arsenal captain, he is considering how to mark the anniversary in the dressing room.

The French striker said: 'We need to do something special for him, like throw him under the shower after the game.

'Knowing Arsene he'll just say if we can win it'll make him happy.'

Henry is fit to return for Saturday's game at home to Sheffield United after missing two matches with a foot injury.

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